AKC Tracking Judge’s Blog

Welcome to the AKC Tracking Judge’s Blog!

Wikipedia: A blog is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete entries (“posts”) typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first).

We are replacing our traditional way to communicate with you, with a blog, instead of through direct emailed newsletters.  Soon we  will be posting topics of interest via the use of an AKC Tracking Judge’s blog.  In doing so, we will be able to provide more timely information and take full advantage of the blog’s Search and Category functions.  This will make it easier for you to quickly research and access past information.

All Tracking Judges should sign up within the blog to receive the automated communications each time something new is posted. This will be the only form of mass communication to you other than  through the Tracking Regulations.  If you misplace the link you will be able to locate it on the AKC website on the Tracking webpage; listed under “Judges Newsletter” in the Judging Resources section.

Our goal is to keep you as up to date as possible and give you the tools you need to be the best AKC Tracking Judge you can be.  We can’t do it without you!


Pamela Manaton, Director of Obedience, Rally & Tracking
Diane Schultz, AKC Sr. Field Representative


Blogs are organized top to bottom, therefore the latest information posted may always be found easily.  In addition, blogs are Archived by Date – by scrolling down the web page you’ll find links for each Month/Year that topics have been posted.

If you wish to continue maintaining a paper copy simply scroll to Archives, click on the Month/Year of choice, then click “File”, “Print” from within your browser.

Looking for that write-up from 6 months ago?  Click on a Category link, listed on the right, and all blogs “tagged” with that category will be displayed. If none of those bullet items match what you are looking for, type in Search word(s) in the red box at the top right and press Enter. All blogs containing your search will be shown.

Finally, there are a number of buttons listed along the top of the web page, containing information we thought helpful to have available “at hand”.  Let us know if there are other documents/links that would be useful.
