Draw for Running Order

The AKC Tracking Regulations state that at least one of the judges must be present to observe the draw for running order at all tracking tests. Judges are the “officials” for events and must be familiar with the rules pertaining to the draw to ensure that proper procedures are followed.

The test secretary (or another event committee member if the secretary is entered) will assemble the participants at the draw time published in the judging program. Any dog absent from the site at the scheduled time of the drawing will be marked “Absent” by the judges if an alternate is present to draw. That alternate would then draw in catalog order. If no alternate is present, the judges will instruct the test secretary to draw for the absent dog. The dog will be marked “Absent” by the judges if the dog is not present in time for the running of its assigned track.

Exhibitors should be asked if they have a conflict with any of the tracklayers which include:

  1. The tracklayer has boarded, laid a track for, or regularly trained the dogs whose tracks they are to lay within the last 10 days.
  2. The tracklayer has resided with the dog, is a member of the household or a member of the immediate family of the dog’s handler.

Judges will modify the draw to meet the requirements for tracklayer conflicts.

Exhibitors should be asked if they have a conflict with either of the judges which include:

  1. Exhibitors may not exhibit to a judge who resides in the same household, and dogs entered must not be owned or co-owned by the judge or members of the judge’s household.
  2. No exhibitor may show a dog under a judge if the exhibitor has participated in a training session taught by the judge within 10 days of the date of the event.

Exhibitors should be asked if their bitch is in season. Bitches in season may be allowed to participate if:

  1. The premium list specifically states that “bitches in season may participate.”
  2. The test secretary and judges have been notified that a bitch is in season prior to the drawing for tracks.

Bitches in season will be assigned the last (regular, not alternate) track. If there are multiple bitches in season, a draw for the last tracks will be held.

The secretary will conduct a random draw to assign running order for each participant. The entrants should be called by catalog number and presented with identical draw items that have a hidden number attached. If the draw items are not identical, the judges should instruct the secretary to place them in a bag or box so that the draw is blind.

After the draw, the order may not be exchanged, except under unusual circumstances and only with the judge’s approval. Any such exchanges must be fully reported in the Judge’s Books.

Happy Tracking!